For more information, Sources & Citations, credits, and database of the research... For more information, Sources & Citations, credits, and database of the research sources used: Facebook:...
The power of human rights education is illustrated through case studies from India, Australia and Turkey in this...
The power of human rights education is illustrated through case studies from India, Australia and Turkey in this film jointly produced by SGI, Human Rights E...
The Education and Social Justice Project is part of the Doyle Engaging Difference Pogram. For more information,...
The Education and Social Justice Project is part of the Doyle Engaging Difference Pogram. For more information, please visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown...
In this lighthearted talk Dominic Walliman gives us four guiding principles for easy science communication and...
In this lighthearted talk Dominic Walliman gives us four guiding principles for easy science communication and unravels the myth that quantum physics is diff...
The USA’s military conflicts have produced millions of veterans. Many have a tough time reintegrating into society:...
The USA’s military conflicts have produced millions of veterans. Many have a tough time reintegrating into society: vets account for around 10% of America’s ...
AJ+ animates the devastating effects on how climate change is already affecting every continent and every ocean on...
AJ+ animates the devastating effects on how climate change is already affecting every continent and every ocean on the planet, based on the most definitive r...
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