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Watch the sequel: 97% owned present serious research and verifiable...
Watch the sequel: 97% owned present serious research and verifiable evidence on our economic and financial system...
It's hard to believe the disturbing facts that our earth is suffering from extreme weather & so many terrible...
It's hard to believe the disturbing facts that our earth is suffering from extreme weather & so many terrible environmental changes. Subscribe to American Ey...
An undercover investigation by Channel 4 News reveals how Cambridge Analytica secretly campaigns in elections across...
An undercover investigation by Channel 4 News reveals how Cambridge Analytica secretly campaigns in elections across the world. Bosses were filmed talking about using bribes, ex-spies, fake IDs and sex workers..
There's an organization responsible for more terrorism plots in the United States than al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab and ISIS...
There's an organization responsible for more terrorism plots in the United States than al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab and ISIS combined: The FBI. How? Why? In an eye-o...
Bruce Lipton 7 ways to reprogram your subconscious mind Free Business Mastery course
Bruce Lipton 7 ways to reprogram your subconscious mind Free Business Mastery course If you’ve ever said you’re of two minds ab...
Why do we turn to nonprofits, NGOs and governments to solve society's biggest problems? Michael Porter admits he's...
Why do we turn to nonprofits, NGOs and governments to solve society's biggest problems? Michael Porter admits he's biased, as a business school professor, but he wants you to hear his case for letting business try to solve massive problems like climate change and access to water. Why? Because when business solves a problem, it makes a profit -- which lets that solution grow. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
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