In this lighthearted talk Dominic Walliman gives us four guiding principles for easy science communication and unravels the myth that quantum physics is diff...
Western societies have been trying to clean up their act for decades. However, that clean-up has had very dirty...
Western societies have been trying to clean up their act for decades. However, that clean-up has had very dirty consequences, but there is hope. Listen to Hilde Opoku's story of how Ghana and Norway are forging ahead as leaders in the fight for a better environment for all. Hilde Opoku, Deputy Mayor and Leader of the Green Party in Trondheim. Former spokesperson for the Green Party in Norway from 2014 to 2016, Hilde is a political scientist with a specialization in industrial ecology. She previously worked at the Department of Industrial Ecology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) before entering politics in 2003 when she was elected to the city council of Trondheim.
Detroit Zoological Society Executive Director Ron Kagan will share a view of the future that includes a different...
Detroit Zoological Society Executive Director Ron Kagan will share a view of the future that includes a different relationship between human and non-human an...
A scientific film with a 3D modeling made on the inner mechanisms of the brain implicated in the development of...
A scientific film with a 3D modeling made on the inner mechanisms of the brain implicated in the development of Alzheimer's disease. Available in English, Ge...
In this talk, Purin shares his life experience in some of the world's most prestigious companies and organization,...
In this talk, Purin shares his life experience in some of the world's most prestigious companies and organization, and how he has defied the fear and made th...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. The Great Economic Myth of...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. The Great Economic Myth of 2008, challenging the accounting to acco...
Digital did not kill the radio star! In this passionate and energetic talk, DJ Sam Hall explains how radio still has...
Digital did not kill the radio star! In this passionate and energetic talk, DJ Sam Hall explains how radio still has the power to promote worldwide access to...
Emily Siner explores her wide-ranging experience in digital reporting from her story on an 89-year-old Holocaust...
Emily Siner explores her wide-ranging experience in digital reporting from her story on an 89-year-old Holocaust survivor, which was recently published in an...
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