Many countries home to lush rainforests sell off timber to make way for industry, agriculture and mining of natural resources, with the ultimate goal of boosting the country's economic development. But Guyana is choosing to take a different path....
Many countries home to lush rainforests sell off timber to make way for industry, agriculture and mining of natural resources, with the ultimate goal of boosting the country's economic development. But Guyana is choosing to take a different path. It's hoping to jumpstart its economy by conserving its rainforests and getting the international community to pay for the carbon storage that its living forests provide.
Integrating climate-smart agriculture into policies in Ethiopia across all levels and landscapes is key, not just for building greater resilience for farmers, but also for meeting our global climate goals.
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This short animated film, narrated by actor/director/producer and Academy Award winner Sir David Attenborough, highlights the role forests can play in national development, a green economy and climate change. It also reviews the current situation...
This short animated film, narrated by actor/director/producer and Academy Award winner Sir David Attenborough, highlights the role forests can play in national development, a green economy and climate change. It also reviews the current situation and some transformative solutions.
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