For World Refugee Day Mary Tran, an Amnesty activist and young film-maker, has created a moving and...
For World Refugee Day Mary Tran, an Amnesty activist and young film-maker, has created a moving and thought-provoking video to highlight the plight of refuge...
Eman Osman is Somali and as a 9-year old, she came to Denmark from Kuwait as a refugee. She currently works at the...
Eman Osman is Somali and as a 9-year old, she came to Denmark from Kuwait as a refugee. She currently works at the Immigrant Women's center for a project cal...
In unserer zunehmend lauten Welt sagt Geräuschexperte Julian Treasure: "Wir verlieren unser Hören". In diesem...
In unserer zunehmend lauten Welt sagt Geräuschexperte Julian Treasure: "Wir verlieren unser Hören". In diesem kurzen, faszinierenden Vortrag teilt Treasure f...
Can we end hunger and poverty, halt climate change and achieve gender equality in the next 15 years? The governments...
Can we end hunger and poverty, halt climate change and achieve gender equality in the next 15 years? The governments of the world think we can. Meeting at th...
'Feeding The Homeless' is a Give Back Project that we felt inspired to do in our community. We did this under the...
'Feeding The Homeless' is a Give Back Project that we felt inspired to do in our community. We did this under the idea of #BeChange & #YouCanToo. This means ...
Wikileaks continues to reveal more of the alleged tools used by the CIA with the latest batch of documents showing...
Wikileaks continues to reveal more of the alleged tools used by the CIA with the latest batch of documents showing how the US intel collects data from PC use...
Watch the sequel: 97% owned present serious research and verifiable...
Watch the sequel: 97% owned present serious research and verifiable evidence on our economic and financial system...
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