This final episode in our Investigating International Finance series explores the controversial ways in which global...
This final episode in our Investigating International Finance series explores the controversial ways in which global finance interacts with the developing world. Western financial firms can buy, restructure, and then sell off companies, often leaving them saddled with debt. We also look at 'land grabbing', the widespread selling and leasing of land in Africa to corporations, which can result in governments evicting local people from their land.
This is the fourth in a series of four videos investigating different areas of the international finance system. Each is a short introduction to a major challenge we face if we want to reform global finance and make it work for people and the planet.
Leyla Acaroglu (A-jar-a-loo) is a sustainability strategist and leading proponent of systemic life cycle based...
Leyla Acaroglu (A-jar-a-loo) is a sustainability strategist and leading proponent of systemic life cycle based sustainability. She is the founder and director of Eco Innovators, designer, social scientist, strategist and educator she is a creative force who finds innovative and inspiring ways of catalyzing change. Her work spans a range of fields and projects including the development of one of the first online life cycle assessment tools - 'Greenfly', creative director of the award winning sustainability education project 'The Secret Life of Things', designed the 'Design Play Cards' and in 2012 was an Artist in Residence with Autodesk. She lectures at RMIT University where she is also undertaking her PhD in designing change. Leyla was invited to speak at TED2013 in Longbeach, has been named one of Melbourne's Top 100 People of Influence, was a judge on the ABC TV show The New Inventors, radio presenter, op-ed writer for the New York Times, and has won several awards including two Melbourne Design Awards and a CORE77 design award for her work. In her humorous and compelling talk, Leyla explores why we need to rethink sustainability..
Dr. Tony Jack explores the question of whether or not a Scientist can be religious in his 2015 TEDxCLE talk. Anthony...
Dr. Tony Jack explores the question of whether or not a Scientist can be religious in his 2015 TEDxCLE talk. Anthony Jack has a BA in Psychology and Philosop...
Did you know that the majority of our nation's K-12 students are living in poverty and are systematically lacking...
Did you know that the majority of our nation's K-12 students are living in poverty and are systematically lacking the external supports they need to succeed ...
John Maceri talks about an issue that is lingering across the US that unfortunately fails to be addressed on a daily...
John Maceri talks about an issue that is lingering across the US that unfortunately fails to be addressed on a daily basis. He reminds us that there is indee...
A beautiful association with Radio is just like falling into a ‘relationship’. She had her ‘first love’, ‘flings’,...
A beautiful association with Radio is just like falling into a ‘relationship’. She had her ‘first love’, ‘flings’, break up’, all with the radio. A woman who...
How to reprogram your mind for more positive thinking. Get this episode's mp3/transcript:...
How to reprogram your mind for more positive thinking. Get this episode's mp3/transcript: Get my new book free: http://www.TheC...
As a global community, we all want to end poverty. Mia Birdsong suggests a great place to start: Let's honor the...
As a global community, we all want to end poverty. Mia Birdsong suggests a great place to start: Let's honor the skills, drive and initiative that poor peopl...
A short film for those supporting children with additional and complex needs. With footage of a Team Around the...
A short film for those supporting children with additional and complex needs. With footage of a Team Around the Child (TAC) meeting and interviews with paren...