Early support for children with additional and complex needs

Von Lucille D. Derosa in Kinder & Jugendliche 1597 Aufrufe 5th Januar 2017 Video Dauer: 00:14:04
A short film for those supporting children with additional and complex needs. With footage of a Team Around the Child (TAC) meeting and interviews with paren...

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WASHTech Supporting the vision of sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services

WASHTech aims to facilitate cost effective investments in technologies for sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene...
WASHTech aims to facilitate cost effective investments in technologies for sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services. The WASHTech Technology Assess...

Science and Technology Studies and the Public Sphere

Beginning with a provocation from Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard) this session of the April 7-9, 2011conference "Science...
Beginning with a provocation from Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard) this session of the April 7-9, 2011conference "Science and Technology Studies: The Next Twenty,"d...

Religion, spirituality & ethics | Tariq Ramadan | TEDxSalford

Tariq Ramadan is the Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at Oxford University and President of the European...
Tariq Ramadan is the Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at Oxford University and President of the European Muslim Network. Through his writings and le...

28 - The consequences of climate change (in our lifetimes)

SOURCES: 1:48 "Recent Ice-Sheet Growth in the Interior of Greenland" Ola M. Johannessen et al, Science November 2005...
SOURCES: 1:48 "Recent Ice-Sheet Growth in the Interior of Greenland" Ola M. Johannessen et al, Science November 2005 2:10 "Recent Greenland Ice Mass Loss by ...

Inequality, tax & migration: Thomas Piketty challenges orthodox economics

Rebel, radical,and even rock star - words not usually associated with economists, but they do seem to stick to...
Rebel, radical,and even rock star - words not usually associated with economists, but they do seem to stick to Frenchman Thomas Piketty, who shot to fame wit...

YFS MCW15 Afghan Students Association

York Federation of Students Multicultural Week 2015 Cultural Explosion Performance, by the Afghan Students Association.

Free Charities from The Idea of Charity: Nat Ware at TEDxCelje

In a thought-provoking talk, Nat Ware makes the case that charities have been put in a box for far too long. We have...
In a thought-provoking talk, Nat Ware makes the case that charities have been put in a box for far too long. We have expectations of charities, he says, and ...

Changing The Way We Talk About Disability | Amy Oulton | TEDxBrighton

You can take a wheelchair just about anywhere. Amy addresses societal perceptions of disability and her vision for...
You can take a wheelchair just about anywhere. Amy addresses societal perceptions of disability and her vision for how we all change the way we approach disability. Amy has been a wheelchair user for the past ten years; she has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a rare genetic condition that causes weak tissues, joint dislocation, chronic pain and fatigue. In spite of this, Amy lives an exciting and hugely positive life, travelling the world, working as a graphic designer for a charity and campaigning to change the way society understands disability. Most recently, Amy has published for Buzzfeed on her three-month adventure around South East Asia, writing about, filming, and photo-documenting her experiences in her wheelchair.

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