John Maceri talks about an issue that is lingering across the US that unfortunately fails to be addressed on a daily basis. He reminds us that there is indee...
Free Teachings: Facebook: Spiritual Retreats & Classes: What is the d...
"Factories of the future need you!" Staffing in manufacturing is key for Europe's economical development....
"Factories of the future need you!" Staffing in manufacturing is key for Europe's economical development. Populations and employees are getting older, but a ...
Created in collaboration with Caritas Catholic international humanitarian aid organizations throughout the world,...
Created in collaboration with Caritas Catholic international humanitarian aid organizations throughout the world, this video provides a quick summary of Pope...
Seeking change, Charles applies a variety of concepts and lenses to inform on-ground action. He is confident that...
Seeking change, Charles applies a variety of concepts and lenses to inform on-ground action. He is confident that there must be a better way for extractive i...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. You can train your mind to...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. You can train your mind to do what you want it to. Collaboration wi...
Jim Thompson is founder of Positive Coaching Alliance, a nonprofit dedicated to using sports to develop Better...
Jim Thompson is founder of Positive Coaching Alliance, a nonprofit dedicated to using sports to develop Better Athletes, Better People. An Ashoka Fellow, Jim...
Drawing on his expertise as former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, Achim Steiner,...
Drawing on his expertise as former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, Achim Steiner, Director of the Oxford Martin School, will ...
Tamara Afifi is a Professor in the Department of Communication at UCSB. Most of her research focuses on how family...
Tamara Afifi is a Professor in the Department of Communication at UCSB. Most of her research focuses on how family members cope communicatively with various ...
TRAINING COURSE ON “INTERNET AND HUMAN RIGHTS FOR POLICY MAKERS” Session 3: POLITICAL ACTORS United States, European Union role in Internet Governance, Counc...
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