“Eating chocolate helps losing weight” I was stunned. Could not believe it. And nope, it’s not because of a new weight loss trend that could help me losing s...
May 6th 2013 - Update on Maurice! More to come:...
May 6th 2013 - Update on Maurice! More to come: http://dannymcglashing.com/update-on-maurice-the-55-year-old-homeless-man-with-2-masters-degrees/ This video ...
World's top 10 most Healthiest Fruits Blackberries Blackberry is a delicious and versatile fruit, belonging to the...
World's top 10 most Healthiest Fruits Blackberries Blackberry is a delicious and versatile fruit, belonging to the Rubus genus in the Rosaceae family which a...
http://www.ted.com Devdutt Pattanaik takes an eye-opening look at the myths of India and of the West -- and shows...
http://www.ted.com Devdutt Pattanaik takes an eye-opening look at the myths of India and of the West -- and shows how these two fundamentally different sets ...
Stella Young ist Komikerin und Journalistin; sie verbringt den Tag zufällig im Rollstuhl. Diese Tatsache, das möchte...
Stella Young ist Komikerin und Journalistin; sie verbringt den Tag zufällig im Rollstuhl. Diese Tatsache, das möchte sie deutlich sagen, macht sie nicht auto...
Poverty exists. That it exists, that it persists, in the 21st century is an obscenity. We want to end this poverty....
Poverty exists. That it exists, that it persists, in the 21st century is an obscenity. We want to end this poverty. We want to make poverty history. But we h...
Title: Evaluating Climate Change Institutions: Justice or Legitimacy? Speaker: Robert O. Keohane, Professor of...
Title: Evaluating Climate Change Institutions: Justice or Legitimacy? Speaker: Robert O. Keohane, Professor of International Affairs, Princeton University. D...
Why is becoming Rights-Literate so important? Nick discusses the unique and vital role that Human Rights play in all...
Why is becoming Rights-Literate so important? Nick discusses the unique and vital role that Human Rights play in all our lives. Nick’s academic interests lie...
In times of an emergency or crisis situation, social media offers some of the fastest and most effective tools for...
In times of an emergency or crisis situation, social media offers some of the fastest and most effective tools for getting critical life-saving information to the people. Those affected seek help on social media while many others connect in virtual space to organise relief and take it to the right place. Twitter India’s Public Policy Head Mahima Kaul tells New Delhi blog how these virtual communities are playing a significant role
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