Title: Evaluating Climate Change Institutions: Justice or Legitimacy? Speaker: Robert O. Keohane, Professor of International Affairs, Princeton University. D...
The United Nations is an embodiment of a continually evolving international order and UN peace operations are the...
The United Nations is an embodiment of a continually evolving international order and UN peace operations are the physical manifestation of that order. Thoug...
A consortium of non-profits is bringing technical and managerial expertise to Ghana to improve access to safe and...
A consortium of non-profits is bringing technical and managerial expertise to Ghana to improve access to safe and adequate water supplies, improved sanitatio...
The Insiders on how to keep a natural disaster from becoming a political disaster. »»» Subscribe to The National to...
The Insiders on how to keep a natural disaster from becoming a political disaster. »»» Subscribe to The National to watch more videos here: https://www.youtu...
Going over some similarities and differences between RELIGION and SPIRITUALITY. Which is more important? Let's...
Going over some similarities and differences between RELIGION and SPIRITUALITY. Which is more important? Let's explore :) MORE VIDEO - Smoking DMT with a SHA...
This educational video is great for introducing the different ways in which we can create green cities that create...
This educational video is great for introducing the different ways in which we can create green cities that create jobs and make our communities healthier
Cmax is an Emergency Shelter System Prototype that provides immediate housing for refugees. It is created to dignify...
Cmax is an Emergency Shelter System Prototype that provides immediate housing for refugees. It is created to dignify and improve the quality of life of peopl...
Civil and political rights have a long tradition, but we are still on our way to realizing them for all members of...
Civil and political rights have a long tradition, but we are still on our way to realizing them for all members of society. In this lesson we will talk a lit...
United Nations - 2015 - it was a year of triumphal moments and haunting images: A little boy, washed up on the shore...
United Nations - 2015 - it was a year of triumphal moments and haunting images: A little boy, washed up on the shore symbolising the plight of 60 million ref...
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