Stella Young ist Komikerin und Journalistin; sie verbringt den Tag zufällig im Rollstuhl. Diese Tatsache, das möchte sie deutlich sagen, macht sie nicht auto...
Phil Borges, filmmaker and photographer, has been documenting indigenous and tribal cultures for over 25 years. His...
Phil Borges, filmmaker and photographer, has been documenting indigenous and tribal cultures for over 25 years. His work is exhibited in museums and gallerie...
The father is disconnected and focuses on work too much which means he doesn't know how to deal with his own kids....
The father is disconnected and focuses on work too much which means he doesn't know how to deal with his own kids. The McKeever Family S4 EP12 Meet Jo Frost,...
Jeden Tag treffen wir Entscheidungen, die gute oder schlechte Konsequenzen für unser zukünftiges Selbst haben. (Kann...
Jeden Tag treffen wir Entscheidungen, die gute oder schlechte Konsequenzen für unser zukünftiges Selbst haben. (Kann ich die Zahnseide dieses eine Mal weglas...
Right now, billions of neurons in your brain are working together to generate a conscious experience -- and not just...
Right now, billions of neurons in your brain are working together to generate a conscious experience -- and not just any conscious experience, your experienc...
Originally from Severna Park, Maryland, Bailey is now studying International Relations at Carleton College. In...
Originally from Severna Park, Maryland, Bailey is now studying International Relations at Carleton College. In addition to studying, she is also one of six e...
For the past 30 years, REZA has traveled the world bearing witness to moments of war and peace, as a photographer....
For the past 30 years, REZA has traveled the world bearing witness to moments of war and peace, as a photographer. He has been awarded numerous prizes, inclu...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Simone Reyes shares with...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Simone Reyes shares with passion her combat for animal rights and e...
The Theory is about making money work for us instead of us working for money. The idea is about creating wealth flow...
The Theory is about making money work for us instead of us working for money. The idea is about creating wealth flow through PASSIVE INCOME. Dhaval Bathia, r...
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