A PhD student in Anthropology at the University of Victoria, Genevieve Von Petzinger's main area of interest is understanding the geometric imagery of Europe...
Pamela Ronald untersucht Gene, die Pflanzen resistenter gegen Krankheiten und Stress machen. In einem...
Pamela Ronald untersucht Gene, die Pflanzen resistenter gegen Krankheiten und Stress machen. In einem aufschlussreichen Vortrag beschreibt sie ihre jahrzehnt...
The best science shows that the chance of having one or more magnitude 6.7 or larger earthquakes in California over...
The best science shows that the chance of having one or more magnitude 6.7 or larger earthquakes in California over the next 30 years is greater than 99%. Su...
The kingdom of Judah is in West Africa. SEE MORE..... Popular Videos...
The kingdom of Judah is in West Africa. SEE MORE..... Popular Videos .................................................................................... The...
Joshua Katz is a high school math teacher in Orange County, FL. Joshua's Talk: In the mid 1800's, Horace Mann...
Joshua Katz is a high school math teacher in Orange County, FL. Joshua's Talk: In the mid 1800's, Horace Mann captured the potential impact of education on s...
Some argue that women choose not to go into particular jobs, often because of the hours required and the sacrifices...
Some argue that women choose not to go into particular jobs, often because of the hours required and the sacrifices that need to be made. But what is really ...
Hatten Sie jemals das Gefühl, dass sie zwar reden, aber niemand Ihnen zuhört? Julian Treasure schafft Abhilfe. In...
Hatten Sie jemals das Gefühl, dass sie zwar reden, aber niemand Ihnen zuhört? Julian Treasure schafft Abhilfe. In diesem nützlichen Vortrag zeigt der Klangex...
For more on this event, visit: http://bit.ly/caP8qM For more on the Berkley Center, visit:...
For more on this event, visit: http://bit.ly/caP8qM For more on the Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu March 15, 2007 | Are "universa...
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