3D Printers Will Revolutionize Education: Miguel Almena at TEDxYouth@CityOfIndustry

Von Thomas Hernandez in Bildung & Erziehung 1670 Aufrufe 14th Januar 2017 Video Dauer: 00:15:30
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TED...

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Anti-Corruption Training Video

Training Video Project for a Fictional Corporation

Top 10 Healthiest Foods

A healthy lifestyle begins with a healthy diet. Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we count down our picks for the top...
A healthy lifestyle begins with a healthy diet. Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we count down our picks for the top 10 healthiest foods. WatchMojo will be l...

Science vs God: Bryan Enderle at TEDxUCDavis

Bryan Enderle grew up in Modesto, CA though he now lives in Davis, CA with his wife, Peggy, and son, Isaac. Bryan...
Bryan Enderle grew up in Modesto, CA though he now lives in Davis, CA with his wife, Peggy, and son, Isaac. Bryan received two BS degrees, in Chemical and Pe...

How FinTech is Shaping the Future of Banking | Henri Arslanian | TEDxWanChai

While FinTech is revolutionizing the banking industry and giving millions of people access to financial services for...
While FinTech is revolutionizing the banking industry and giving millions of people access to financial services for the first time, new banking models are e...

How to crowdsource a refugee rights strategy | Stephen Manning | TEDxMtHood

Attorney Stephen W. Manning is a founding partner of Immigrant Law Group PC and the founder and director of the...
Attorney Stephen W. Manning is a founding partner of Immigrant Law Group PC and the founder and director of the Innovation Law Lab, a non-profit that combine...

Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative

Its a story that shine a light on How our efforts can bring a change in the lives of Underprivileged Section. This...
Its a story that shine a light on How our efforts can bring a change in the lives of Underprivileged Section. This 11 min. social video is showing a new pros...

Interview with Farah Mihlar, South Asia author

EMBARGO: 00.01 (GMT+1) 26 September 2013 Minority Rights Group International's (MRG) flagship report, State of the...
EMBARGO: 00.01 (GMT+1) 26 September 2013 Minority Rights Group International's (MRG) flagship report, State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples ...

Social Benefits of Recreation and Leisure

Social Benefits of Recreation and Leisure

Human Impact Statements | Marc Roark | TEDxSavannah

The importance of evaluating the full impacts of development on poverty and low income communities. Marc is a...
The importance of evaluating the full impacts of development on poverty and low income communities. Marc is a professor of law at Savannah Law School and stu...
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