Prof. Frank Gu, is a Canada Research Chair and Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Waterloo. He has establishe...
By loading kids with high expectations and micromanaging their lives at every turn, parents aren't actually helping....
By loading kids with high expectations and micromanaging their lives at every turn, parents aren't actually helping. At least, that's how Julie Lythcott-Haim...
Nachdem sie monate- oder jahrelang im Ausland gekämpft haben, sagen 92 Prozent der amerikanischen Veteranen, dass...
Nachdem sie monate- oder jahrelang im Ausland gekämpft haben, sagen 92 Prozent der amerikanischen Veteranen, dass sie ihren Dienst fortsetzen möchten; gleich...
Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig makes the case that our democracy has become corrupt with money, leading to...
Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig makes the case that our democracy has become corrupt with money, leading to inequality that means only 0.02% of the United ...
Racism is a business. Its marketing is so successful that even Akala looks sideways at a young black man holding a...
Racism is a business. Its marketing is so successful that even Akala looks sideways at a young black man holding a lot of cash. Subscribe to The Guardian ► h...
"NGO's and Social Initiatives" A Panel Discussion with Sophia Burton (Co-Founder of Collidoscope), Mohsen Naderia...
"NGO's and Social Initiatives" A Panel Discussion with Sophia Burton (Co-Founder of Collidoscope), Mohsen Naderia (FilmMaker), Alen Tabakovic (MACROMEDIA Cam...
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