A short film for the Basingstoke and District Disability Forum raising awareness of physical and mobility disabilities. For more information email us at info...
www.fao.org/climatechange/micca/ This video explains the climate-smart agriculture approach including its objectives...
www.fao.org/climatechange/micca/ This video explains the climate-smart agriculture approach including its objectives and why it is needed. Climate change wil...
Yes, we all know it’s the right thing to do. But Michael Kimmel makes the surprising, funny, practical case for...
Yes, we all know it’s the right thing to do. But Michael Kimmel makes the surprising, funny, practical case for treating men and women equally in the workpla...
UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova answers crowdsourced questions for the Global Education and Skills Forum, 2014....
UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova answers crowdsourced questions for the Global Education and Skills Forum, 2014. Don't miss new Big Think videos! Subscri...
Eman Osman is Somali and as a 9-year old, she came to Denmark from Kuwait as a refugee. She currently works at the...
Eman Osman is Somali and as a 9-year old, she came to Denmark from Kuwait as a refugee. She currently works at the Immigrant Women's center for a project cal...
This video talks about the potential emergency situations in the workplace. It emphasizes that workers should be...
This video talks about the potential emergency situations in the workplace. It emphasizes that workers should be trained to handle emergencies and should per...
Clips from Dr Joe's Introductory Lecture of Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. During this video, you will be...
Clips from Dr Joe's Introductory Lecture of Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. During this video, you will be inspired, while you laugh, and enjoy learnin...
Our subconscious bias often leads to racial stereotyping which can result in misunderstandings, discrimination, and...
Our subconscious bias often leads to racial stereotyping which can result in misunderstandings, discrimination, and even violence. Some of the worst atrociti...
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