Our subconscious bias often leads to racial stereotyping which can result in misunderstandings, discrimination, and even violence. Some of the worst atrociti...
Every year, 500,000 children die from drinking contaminated water. Until everyone has access to safe and reliable...
Every year, 500,000 children die from drinking contaminated water. Until everyone has access to safe and reliable drinking water, the death toll will continu...
This short animated film, narrated by actor/director/producer and Academy Award winner Sir David Attenborough,...
This short animated film, narrated by actor/director/producer and Academy Award winner Sir David Attenborough, highlights the role forests can play in national development, a green economy and climate change. It also reviews the current situation and some transformative solutions.
Medical Student Shadee Giurgius, Office Manager of the HealthyBrainCenter.com at the Moataz Giurgius MD, Inc....
Medical Student Shadee Giurgius, Office Manager of the HealthyBrainCenter.com at the Moataz Giurgius MD, Inc. Psychiatric Inc explains Alzheimer's disease. T...
Professor Varoufakis proposes a decentralized system for europe in order to transform it before the crisis of the...
Professor Varoufakis proposes a decentralized system for europe in order to transform it before the crisis of the system crashes Europe. He studies all the d...
The importance of evaluating the full impacts of development on poverty and low income communities. Marc is a...
The importance of evaluating the full impacts of development on poverty and low income communities. Marc is a professor of law at Savannah Law School and stu...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Michelle shares her...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Michelle shares her personal journey towards Unconditional Positive...
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