In this lighthearted talk Dominic Walliman gives us four guiding principles for easy science communication and...
In this lighthearted talk Dominic Walliman gives us four guiding principles for easy science communication and unravels the myth that quantum physics is diff...
What is real news? What is fake news? How do we be smart about the media that we choose to consume? Tom Becka...
What is real news? What is fake news? How do we be smart about the media that we choose to consume? Tom Becka answers this important question in his TEDxUNO ...
The greatest problem of the modern education system is that it doesn't focus on systematically preparing students...
The greatest problem of the modern education system is that it doesn't focus on systematically preparing students for many aspects of the real challenge out ...
Feminism seems to be a hot trend with strong images of female stars. But do you really understand Feminism? Ms. Minh...
Feminism seems to be a hot trend with strong images of female stars. But do you really understand Feminism? Ms. Minh Thuy Ta shares her idea on Feminism from...
The unofficial but the greatest! Presented by 451° und "Der Fehlende Part". Wir wurden insgeheim von Putin...
The unofficial but the greatest! Presented by 451° und "Der Fehlende Part". Wir wurden insgeheim von Putin beauftragt den Beitrag zu leisten. Folge uns auf F...
Say hello to the decentralized economy -- the blockchain is about to change everything. In this lucid explainer of...
Say hello to the decentralized economy -- the blockchain is about to change everything. In this lucid explainer of the complex (and confusing) technology, Be...
How can drones revolutionize healthcare in rural Rwanda and potentially beyond? Partnering across disciplines, UPS...
How can drones revolutionize healthcare in rural Rwanda and potentially beyond? Partnering across disciplines, UPS has helped create the world’s first drone-...
To support and learn more about Ezra, follow him on Facebook. Subscribe!...
To support and learn more about Ezra, follow him on Facebook. Subscribe! What It's Reall...
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