How do we make sure that development and aid money actually goes to the people who most need it? Sanjay Pradhan of the World Bank Institute lays out three gu...
This is one of three three videos from an AVI film project that saw a cross-section of Solomon Islands community...
This is one of three three videos from an AVI film project that saw a cross-section of Solomon Islands community members reflect and speak candidly about the...
--Wikileaks releases emails sent to the Hillary Clinton campaign, revealing all sorts of coordination between the...
--Wikileaks releases emails sent to the Hillary Clinton campaign, revealing all sorts of coordination between the DNC, Clinton campaign, and corporate media ...
This TED talk shows how our existing property rights system necessarily triggers rising rent payments, thus creating...
This TED talk shows how our existing property rights system necessarily triggers rising rent payments, thus creating rising inequality of wealth and income. ...
Anita is an editor at Mashable, and founder of The Other Wave, a website that explores film and television from a...
Anita is an editor at Mashable, and founder of The Other Wave, a website that explores film and television from a diverse perspective. She navigates the evol...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. It's hard to comprehend...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. It's hard to comprehend the amount of plastic waste humans produce ...
Kurt was born with a condition called phocomelia, which refers to the absence or malformation of one or more limbs....
Kurt was born with a condition called phocomelia, which refers to the absence or malformation of one or more limbs. In his talk, “At First Glance,” he will s...
The imbalance of power in Arab countries allows regimes to stay in control virtually unchallenged by non-violent...
The imbalance of power in Arab countries allows regimes to stay in control virtually unchallenged by non-violent opposition groups. Without a break in the st...
Artificial Intelligence Scientist. Scientific Director of the Swiss AI Lab, IDSIA, DTI, SUPSI; Prof. of AI, Faculty...
Artificial Intelligence Scientist. Scientific Director of the Swiss AI Lab, IDSIA, DTI, SUPSI; Prof. of AI, Faculty of Informatics, USI, Lugano; Co-founder &...