Why our Economic System is not Sustainable | Christian Kreiss | TEDxTUBerlin

Por Nansy Edwadrs en Asuntos & Proyectos de Desarrollo 1221 views 17th Enero 2018 Duración del video: 00:17:31
This TED talk shows how our existing property rights system necessarily triggers rising rent payments, thus creating rising inequality of wealth and income. ...

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8 Simple Self Improvement Principles

When it comes to self improvement, what principles have you found to be the most influential to your growth?

TEDxUChicago 2011 - Jonathan Greenblatt - Revolutionizing the World Through Social Responsibility

As a serial social entrepreneur Jonathan Greenblatt is the co-founder of Ethos Water and the former CEO of Good...

As a serial social entrepreneur Jonathan Greenblatt is the co-founder of Ethos Water and the former CEO of Good Magazine. Greenblatt participates on several corporate and nonprofit boards, including RESTORE Products, the African Leadership Foundation, KaBOOM!, and water.org. Creating a business that was sustainable and profitable, Greenblatt has been credited to revolutionize the industry of bottled water and qualified as an acknowledged thought leader on corporate social responsibility, ethical branding and social entrepreneurship.


The Utilization of Western NGOs for the Theft of Africa's Vast Resources

The following in an excerpt from a lecture given by Mallence Bart Williams in 2015 (TEDxBerlin). "One thing that...
The following in an excerpt from a lecture given by Mallence Bart Williams in 2015 (TEDxBerlin). "One thing that keeps me puzzled, despite having studied fin...

Butterfly Art Project by flying films, 4 2016

Butterfly Art Project von flying films, 4. 2016: Wir fördern Kreativität und Heilung durch die Kunst. Im April 2016...
Butterfly Art Project von flying films, 4. 2016: Wir fördern Kreativität und Heilung durch die Kunst. Im April 2016 besuchte uns Isa-Lee Jacobson eine Kapstä...

The UN's Sustainable Development Goals | Matthias Klettermayer | TEDxSalveReginaU

What are the Un sustainable development goals doing today and what different people think of them. Different...

What are the Un sustainable development goals doing today and what different people think of them. Different opinions about whether or not they succeed in making a difference. Matthias Klettermayer is Public Information Officer and focal point for communication and outreach in the Division for Sustainable Development, which is part of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. He regularly gives briefings on sustainable development issues, in particular on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals. Mr. Klettermayer is also involved in social media campaigns, press events and the production of promotional videos and news pieces that seek to increase understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals and their implementation. He studied Communications Science and International Policy Analysis..


Prof. Peter Higgins and Prof. Charles Hopkins - UN Sustainable Development Goals

Professor Peter Higgins, Personal Chair in Outdoor and Environmental Education, and Professor Charles Hopkins,...

Professor Peter Higgins, Personal Chair in Outdoor and Environmental Education, and Professor Charles Hopkins, UNESCO Chair of Education for Sustainable Development, deliver the sixth lecture in the 2015 Our Changing World series. By October 2015 world leaders will have adopted the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that will guide global development until 2030. In implementing these SDGs, Learning for Sustainability (LfS), will play a key role. This lecture will reflect on global LfS developments, and consider LfS in the UN SDGs and the Global Action Programme from a Scottish and UK perspective..


Social-Emotional Development - 8 to 18 Months

Examples of how children are learning about feelings and relationships for ages 8 months to 18 months followed by a...
Examples of how children are learning about feelings and relationships for ages 8 months to 18 months followed by a group discussion by parents.

Bridging Asia: Can Asia beat corruption?

After the Asian Financial Crisis in the late 1990s, deeply-rooted problems of corruption were highlighted in...
After the Asian Financial Crisis in the late 1990s, deeply-rooted problems of corruption were highlighted in countries like Thailand, South Korea and Indones...

2030- SDG 15- Life on Land- Ted talks

A selection of talks to understand more about life on land. The fifteenth sustainable development goal for 2030....

A selection of talks to understand more about life on land. The fifteenth sustainable development goal for 2030. 1-https://www.ted.com/talks/tassoazevedoho...

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