This video is part one of a four part video series on Labor history. Produced by The Boilermakers Local 647, this...
This video is part one of a four part video series on Labor history. Produced by The Boilermakers Local 647, this video series tries to tell our side of hist...
Actress Alexandra Paul breaks the silence on one of the most taboo subjects of our time: human overpopulation and...
Actress Alexandra Paul breaks the silence on one of the most taboo subjects of our time: human overpopulation and how to resolve the crisis that is adding 22...
In the past, sailors on whaling ships would carve whale teeth into works of art in a process called scrimshaw. These...
In the past, sailors on whaling ships would carve whale teeth into works of art in a process called scrimshaw. These pieces would be brought home to loved on...
The Zika virus is one of the latest threats the University of Hawaiʻi managed Pacific Disaster Center is helping to...
The Zika virus is one of the latest threats the University of Hawaiʻi managed Pacific Disaster Center is helping to combat with its global array of technolog...
The film makes a compelling case for investing in Liverpool's heritage for sound business reasons and for...
The film makes a compelling case for investing in Liverpool's heritage for sound business reasons and for sustainability reasons, as well as to protect the c...
Julia Hardy tells us how she uses humour to combat endemic online sexism, and explains how the actions of this small...
Julia Hardy tells us how she uses humour to combat endemic online sexism, and explains how the actions of this small percentage of men not only adversely aff...
400 services fifty all rights reserved to the chamber of commerce and industry in riyadh 2016. Welcome to bombay...
400 services fifty all rights reserved to the chamber of commerce and industry in riyadh 2016. Welcome to bombay chamber of commerce and industry cms. Hungar...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Sam tears up her notes and...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Sam tears up her notes and delivers a rousing talk from the hip about corporate and economic responsibility and the lessons she learned both from her parents and from running her own very successful business. Radical activist, founder of Coco de Mer and a regular contributor to television and radio. Sam has been actively campaigning from an early age and has tackled issues including pornography, feminism, exploitation, human rights and raunch culture.