SOURCES: 1:48 "Recent Ice-Sheet Growth in the Interior of Greenland" Ola M. Johannessen et al, Science November 2005 2:10 "Recent Greenland Ice Mass Loss by ...
The PAINT (Producing Art In Neighborhoods Together) program is run and operated by Louisville-based 501(c)3 "Center...
The PAINT (Producing Art In Neighborhoods Together) program is run and operated by Louisville-based 501(c)3 "Center For Neighborhoods". This project "Weaving...
The news of society's growing inequality makes all of us uneasy. But why? Dan Ariely reveals some new, surprising...
The news of society's growing inequality makes all of us uneasy. But why? Dan Ariely reveals some new, surprising research on what we think is fair, as far a...
Your brain may never be the same! Watch our Q&A: Send us stuff! ASAPSCIENCE INC. P.O....
Your brain may never be the same! Watch our Q&A: Send us stuff! ASAPSCIENCE INC. P.O. BOX 93, Toronto P, TORONTO, ON, M5S2S6 Subs...
The best science shows that the chance of having one or more magnitude 6.7 or larger earthquakes in California over...
The best science shows that the chance of having one or more magnitude 6.7 or larger earthquakes in California over the next 30 years is greater than 99%. Su...
For more information on civil and political rights, check out: And...
For more information on civil and political rights, check out: And check us out at
September is CMT awareness month, so I took it upon myself to actually take action and make more people aware of...
September is CMT awareness month, so I took it upon myself to actually take action and make more people aware of this disease by sharing a bit of information...
Racism is a business. Its marketing is so successful that even Akala looks sideways at a young black man holding a...
Racism is a business. Its marketing is so successful that even Akala looks sideways at a young black man holding a lot of cash. Subscribe to The Guardian ► h...