P.A.I.N.T. - Weaving Unity Into Community Project

Por Simon Morgan en Arte & Artesanías 1462 views 5th Enero 2017 Duración del video: 00:08:31
The PAINT (Producing Art In Neighborhoods Together) program is run and operated by Louisville-based 501(c)3 "Center For Neighborhoods". This project "Weaving...

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  • This project was made possible thanks to collaborative institutional and organizational partnerships involving: Center For Neighborhoods (project orgaThis project was made possible thanks to collaborative institutional and organizational partnerships involving: Center For Neighborhoods (project organizer, facilitator, staffing), Louisville Metro Housing Authority (organizer, facilitator, staffing, space), and the Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft (facilitation and staff), and Jefferson County Public Schools (allowed use of their fence). Funding for this program was provided through grants from the Kentucky Arts Council’s “Arts Build Communities” program and the Cralle Foundation. Additional support was provided by The Green Building, Kertis Creative, Sud-Chemie, and Metro United Way  Mas ...
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