"I believe that losing my hearing was one of the greatest gifts I've ever received," says Elise Roy. As a disability...
"I believe that losing my hearing was one of the greatest gifts I've ever received," says Elise Roy. As a disability rights lawyer and design thinker, she kn...
The United Nations is an embodiment of a continually evolving international order and UN peace operations are the...
The United Nations is an embodiment of a continually evolving international order and UN peace operations are the physical manifestation of that order. Thoug...
As the Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives for his state visit to the UK, The Telegraph examines China's human...
As the Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives for his state visit to the UK, The Telegraph examines China's human rights violations, including the imprisonment...
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-do-drugs-affect-the-brain-sara-garofalo Most people will take a...
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-do-drugs-affect-the-brain-sara-garofalo Most people will take a pill, receive an injection, or otherwise take...
Dr. Michael L. Alkan is the former head of the Infectious Diseases Institute at Soroka University Medical Center and...
Dr. Michael L. Alkan is the former head of the Infectious Diseases Institute at Soroka University Medical Center and a Professor Emeritus of Medicine at Ben-...
Jane Oseid Carlson is one of the founding organizers of TEDxConejo and is currently the School to Career Coordinator...
Jane Oseid Carlson is one of the founding organizers of TEDxConejo and is currently the School to Career Coordinator at Thousand Oaks High School. She facili...
Intelligence Squared U.S. Presents "Legalize Drugs" with Paul Butler and Nick Gillespie for the motion, Asa...
Intelligence Squared U.S. Presents "Legalize Drugs" with Paul Butler and Nick Gillespie for the motion, Asa Hutchinson and Theodore Dalrymple against the mot...
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