HRC Joins the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus to #DisarmHate

Von Plicatus EN in Sexuelle Gleichberechtigung 1544 Aufrufe 13th Oktober 2016 Video Dauer: 00:54:31
HRC joined members of Congress last night for a vigil on the steps of the U.S. Capitol honoring the 49 LGBTQ people and allies -- almost all Latinx and young...

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The Missing Maps project: from community engagement to humanitarian response

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Rethinking infidelity ... a talk for anyone who has ever loved | Esther Perel

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Spending Thanksgiving Alone || Family Problems with My Sexuality

So this Thanksgiving I got into an argument with my father that didn't end too well. After everything was said and...
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Give our youth the gift of problem solving | Hannah Hudson | TEDxChristchurch

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. 14-year-old Hannah Hudson...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. 14-year-old Hannah Hudson is New Zealand's Future Problem Solving c...

Pope Francis Urges Aid for Refugees | Catholic Newsbreak 6-21-2016

-On the occasion of World Refugee Day, Pope Francis urges people to assist refugees and work for peace. -5 Blesseds...
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The Art of Seeing: How to Look at Disability | Margaret Keller | TEDxBerkshires

Being told “Don’t stare!” might be the first memory some of us have of encountering a person with a disability. And...
Being told “Don’t stare!” might be the first memory some of us have of encountering a person with a disability. And in fact, when it comes to disability, our...

Our refugee system is failing. Here's how we can fix it | Alexander Betts

A million refugees arrived in Europe this year, says Alexander Betts, and "our response, frankly, has been...

A million refugees arrived in Europe this year, says Alexander Betts, and "our response, frankly, has been pathetic." Betts studies forced migration, the impossible choice for families between the camps, urban poverty and dangerous illegal journeys to safety. In this insightful talk, he offers four ways to change the way we treat refugees, so they can make an immediate contribution to their new homes. "There's nothing inevitable about refugees being a cost," Betts says. "They're human beings with skills, talents, aspirations, with the ability to make contributions — if we let them."


A Perspective on Zoos | Andreas Kaufmann | TEDxVilnius

Andreas has loved animals and nature since his early childhood, which he spent near the lowland forests, surrounded...
Andreas has loved animals and nature since his early childhood, which he spent near the lowland forests, surrounded by farm animals and pets. But the zoos… h...

What are the universal Human rights?

The basic idea of ​​human rights is that each of us, regardless of who we are or where we were born, are entitled to...
The basic idea of ​​human rights is that each of us, regardless of who we are or where we were born, are entitled to the same fundamental rights and freedoms. That may sound easy, but it gets incredibly complicated as soon as we try to put this idea into practice. What are basic human rights? Who chooses them? Who ensures compliance - and how? Benedetta Berti explores the intricacies of human rights.
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