Give our youth the gift of problem solving | Hannah Hudson | TEDxChristchurch

Von Lucille D. Derosa in Kinder & Jugendliche 1616 Aufrufe 19th Januar 2018 Video Dauer: 00:10:58
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. 14-year-old Hannah Hudson is New Zealand's Future Problem Solving c...

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What you can do to prevent Alzheimer's | Lisa Genova

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Wikileaks Emails Expose Sickening Clinton + Media Corruption & Collusion

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What global trade deals are really about (hint: it's not trade) | Haley Edwards | TEDxMidAtlantic

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TEDxPresidio - James Kass - How to Build a Non-Profit...

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United Nations - Year in Review 2015

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Humanizing Palestine | Lilia Brooker | TEDxDeerfield

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In her talk, Lilia Brooker effectively connects the issues facing the Palestinian people, their contributions to the world, and the personal qualities and re...

Australia fires: Climate change increases the risk of wildfires - BBC News

UK scientists say the recent fires in Australia are a taste of what the world will experience as temperatures rise.
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