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Watch the full film Deleted scene from The Crisis of Civilization: a dark comedy...
Watch the full film Deleted scene from The Crisis of Civilization: a dark comedy remix mash-up bonanza about the end of indu...
More films about Afghanistan: “First tell us what you did in Afghanistan all...
More films about Afghanistan: “First tell us what you did in Afghanistan all those years. Then we'll decide whether or n...
A healthy lifestyle begins with a healthy diet. Join as we count down our picks for the top...
A healthy lifestyle begins with a healthy diet. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 healthiest foods. WatchMojo will be l...
In this talk, Monisha Bajaj tells her own personal story about how her family has inspired her work in the field of...
In this talk, Monisha Bajaj tells her own personal story about how her family has inspired her work in the field of international educational development, fo...
Scott Sonnon overcame dyslexia so severe that he was hospitalized in a children's psychiatric institution. He was...
Scott Sonnon overcame dyslexia so severe that he was hospitalized in a children's psychiatric institution. He was advised that he should not set very high hi...
The Clinton corruption is now being covered by MSM. The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Bloomberg , and...
The Clinton corruption is now being covered by MSM. The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Bloomberg , and Washington Post. The tide has turned. Wik...
There's an organization responsible for more terrorism plots in the United States than al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab and ISIS...
There's an organization responsible for more terrorism plots in the United States than al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab and ISIS combined: The FBI. How? Why? In an eye-o...
Pete Masters, MSF, presents on the Missing Maps project and how engaging humanitarian and tech volunteer communities...
Pete Masters, MSF, presents on the Missing Maps project and how engaging humanitarian and tech volunteer communities in the project can provide NGOs with much needed mapping data; for epidemiology, disaster risk preparedness and intelligent resource allocation and decision making. Remote volunteers trace satellite images onto OpenStreetMap, local community volunteers add details (street names, medical centres,
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