Wikileaks Explodes! MSNBC/WSJ/NYTimes/WashPost! Media Blackout Ending! Chelsea Comes Clean!

Von Michael Johnson in Antikorruption 1610 Aufrufe 5th Januar 2017 Video Dauer: 00:18:55
The Clinton corruption is now being covered by MSM. The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Bloomberg , and Washington Post. The tide has turned. Wik...

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  • The Clinton corruption is now being covered by MSM. The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Bloomberg , and Washington Post. The tide has turnThe Clinton corruption is now being covered by MSM. The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Bloomberg , and Washington Post. The tide has turned. Wikileaks has finally burst the Clinton bubble. There is no turning back now. There has been a media blackout for months while the MSM kept blaming everything on the Russians. Seems that barrier is now broken and the truth is coming out big time. Trump will be all over this in his rallies. Even if Hillary becomes president, the Clintons are going down. She should withdraw and go into hiding!  Mehr...
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