More films about Afghanistan: “First tell us what you did in Afghanistan all those years. Then we'll decide whether or n...
“Economists not only get the future wrong, but they make the future wrong.” Dimitri Zenghelis explains why...
“Economists not only get the future wrong, but they make the future wrong.” Dimitri Zenghelis explains why economists should change their approach towards ne...
This is Germany, the largest economy in all of Europe by a significant margin and the forth largest in the world...
This is Germany, the largest economy in all of Europe by a significant margin and the forth largest in the world falling just behind japan. The economy of Germany is so interesting not just because of its size though but more because of it’s tenuous and surprisingly short history.
Sources: Terrorist surveillance program: Original press release: Assessment of potential...
Sources: Terrorist surveillance program: Original press release: Assessment of potential effect of surveillance measures if implemen...
ReRecently named one of the 40 most influential nature photographers in the world by Outdoor Photography Magazine,...
ReRecently named one of the 40 most influential nature photographers in the world by Outdoor Photography Magazine, Peter Essick has been a frequent contributor to National Geographic Magazine for 25 years. At National Geographic he has produced 40 feature articles specializing in stories on nature and the environment. He is the author of two books, Our Beautiful, Fragile World and the Ansel Adams Wilderness. He has a bachelor's degree in business from the University of Southern California and a master's degree in photojournalism from the University of Missouri. He lives in Stone Mountain, GA with his wife, Jackie and son, Jalen.cently named one of the 40 most influential nature photographers in the world by Outdoor Photography Magazine, Peter Essick has been a frequent contributor...
An increasing need for safer, faster, and more efficient relief and disaster response operations around the world...
An increasing need for safer, faster, and more efficient relief and disaster response operations around the world has prompted a need for alternatives. As it...
Watch what happens when little miracles touch the lives of the most vulnerable people around the world. Witness the...
Watch what happens when little miracles touch the lives of the most vulnerable people around the world. Witness the lifesaving help and hope provided by Catholic Relief Services. Take a look at just how far your heart can reach.
"Each one of us has a unique European story - for some, this is a Europe of progress, unity and prosperity; for...
"Each one of us has a unique European story - for some, this is a Europe of progress, unity and prosperity; for others, a Europe of decline, division and los...
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