Loretta Claiborne's story is remarkable — from Special Olympian to inspiring speaker and advocate for others. Her...
Loretta Claiborne's story is remarkable — from Special Olympian to inspiring speaker and advocate for others. Her work has ranged from supporting people with...
As part of Girl Scout Troop 523's Silver Award Project in S. Texas, the troop worked with Haven for Hope and created...
As part of Girl Scout Troop 523's Silver Award Project in S. Texas, the troop worked with Haven for Hope and created a video on what school aged children liv...
Much discussion is underway about how to align payment incentives and new models of care to achieve the triple aim...
Much discussion is underway about how to align payment incentives and new models of care to achieve the triple aim of improving population health, lowering c...
The British data firm described as “pivotal” in Donald Trump’s presidential victory was behind a ‘data grab’ of more...
The British data firm described as “pivotal” in Donald Trump’s presidential victory was behind a ‘data grab’ of more than 50 million Facebook profiles, a whistleblower has revealed to Channel 4 News. In an exclusive television interview, Chris Wylie, former Research Director at Cambridge Analytica tells all.
We all have experts in our lives. Computer experts, plumbing experts, legal experts -- you name the problem, and...
We all have experts in our lives. Computer experts, plumbing experts, legal experts -- you name the problem, and there is someone out there who specializes i...
My version of an inexpensive shelter that a church or other organization can construct and place outdoors on their...
My version of an inexpensive shelter that a church or other organization can construct and place outdoors on their premises to use as a winter time overflow ...
Bottled water plays a vital role in the lead up to and recovery from disasters and other emergencies.This new video...
Bottled water plays a vital role in the lead up to and recovery from disasters and other emergencies.This new video helps remind people to take a moment to r...
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