Dr. Tony Jack explores the question of whether or not a Scientist can be religious in his 2015 TEDxCLE talk. Anthony...
Dr. Tony Jack explores the question of whether or not a Scientist can be religious in his 2015 TEDxCLE talk. Anthony Jack has a BA in Psychology and Philosop...
If you experience any technical difficulties with this video or would like to make an accessibility-related request,...
If you experience any technical difficulties with this video or would like to make an accessibility-related request, please send a message to digicomm@uchica...
Today, the Council of State Support to NGOs held a press conference to discuss its annual review of NGO activity. It...
Today, the Council of State Support to NGOs held a press conference to discuss its annual review of NGO activity. It was said in the event that the Council o...
Nuhu Ribadu "When you fight corruption, it fights back" at TEDxBerlinSalon "Leading in a complex World"...
Nuhu Ribadu "When you fight corruption, it fights back" at TEDxBerlinSalon "Leading in a complex World" (http://www.tedxberlin.de) Nuhu Ribadu is founding ch...
"If technology has changed everything, why hasn't diplomacy changed?" Adam explains why governments need to adjust...
"If technology has changed everything, why hasn't diplomacy changed?" Adam explains why governments need to adjust foreign policy in an age of empowered indi...
The Trump Administration says it is “committed to a foreign policy focused on American interests and American...
The Trump Administration says it is “committed to a foreign policy focused on American interests and American national security” and that “the world will be ...
This four-minute overview video describes in brief, the activities of the Sustainable Intensification of...
This four-minute overview video describes in brief, the activities of the Sustainable Intensification of Maize-Legume Cropping Systems for Food Security in E...
Western societies have been trying to clean up their act for decades. However, that clean-up has had very dirty...
Western societies have been trying to clean up their act for decades. However, that clean-up has had very dirty consequences, but there is hope. Listen to Hilde Opoku's story of how Ghana and Norway are forging ahead as leaders in the fight for a better environment for all. Hilde Opoku, Deputy Mayor and Leader of the Green Party in Trondheim. Former spokesperson for the Green Party in Norway from 2014 to 2016, Hilde is a political scientist with a specialization in industrial ecology. She previously worked at the Department of Industrial Ecology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) before entering politics in 2003 when she was elected to the city council of Trondheim.
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