Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: Throughout his three-decade career here at...
Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: Throughout his three-decade career here at the University of Waterloo, Larry Smith ha...
The imbalance of power in Arab countries allows regimes to stay in control virtually unchallenged by non-violent...
The imbalance of power in Arab countries allows regimes to stay in control virtually unchallenged by non-violent opposition groups. Without a break in the st...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. It's hard to comprehend...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. It's hard to comprehend the amount of plastic waste humans produce ...
In his pursuit of uncovering the strategy behind ISIS youth recruitment, Apurv Gupta moves beyond theological...
In his pursuit of uncovering the strategy behind ISIS youth recruitment, Apurv Gupta moves beyond theological connotations and enters the realm of psychologi...
WMTW News 8 meteorologist Mallory Brooke examines the facts and fallacies about climate change. Subscribe to WMTW on...
WMTW News 8 meteorologist Mallory Brooke examines the facts and fallacies about climate change. Subscribe to WMTW on YouTube now for more:
Christian asks what is veganism and is it the right way to live and eat. Christian Hextrum is...
Christian asks what is veganism and is it the right way to live and eat. Christian Hextrum is a little over average height so some peo...
James D. Long explores how to reduce corruption and improve government performance by using technology to empower...
James D. Long explores how to reduce corruption and improve government performance by using technology to empower citizens. Violence, intimidation, and vote ...
For the past ten thousand years, the parent/child balance of power has been hierarchical with the moms and dads...
For the past ten thousand years, the parent/child balance of power has been hierarchical with the moms and dads making most decision and kids following their...
For more: (Latin Pulse: June 30, 2008) (Latin Pulse: June 30, 2008) Features former...
For more: (Latin Pulse: June 30, 2008) (Latin Pulse: June 30, 2008) Features former president of Peru, Alejandro Toledo. How...
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