What is the value of gender diversity in organizations, politics and society? To learn about the business case for gender equality, watch the Women and Publi...
Prof. Frank Gu, is a Canada Research Chair and Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the...
Prof. Frank Gu, is a Canada Research Chair and Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Waterloo. He has establishe...
Surrounded by and populated with deserts, Israel has famously created a green, agricultural oasis out of its arid...
Surrounded by and populated with deserts, Israel has famously created a green, agricultural oasis out of its arid landscape. This was made possible by the in...
"Before MARS" is the dramatic backstory of Hana & Joon Seung, principal characters in the upcoming series "MARS" on...
"Before MARS" is the dramatic backstory of Hana & Joon Seung, principal characters in the upcoming series "MARS" on the National Geographic Channel. ➡ Subscr...
We can now hold governments accountable for acts of war and human rights violations, with the aid of optical...
We can now hold governments accountable for acts of war and human rights violations, with the aid of optical analysis of publicly available satellite imagery...
http://www.facebook.com/LGBTRightsUAE LGBT Rights UAE is a non-governmental organization that strives to raise...
http://www.facebook.com/LGBTRightsUAE LGBT Rights UAE is a non-governmental organization that strives to raise awareness about the issues that face The LGBT ...
Jason Fairbourne, Founder and President of Fairbourne Consulting, discusses the process of developing scalable...
Jason Fairbourne, Founder and President of Fairbourne Consulting, discusses the process of developing scalable microfranchises for third-world economies. Jas...
Andreas has loved animals and nature since his early childhood, which he spent near the lowland forests, surrounded...
Andreas has loved animals and nature since his early childhood, which he spent near the lowland forests, surrounded by farm animals and pets. But the zoos… h...
(New York, February 10, 2015) – Serious concerns about workers’ rights have not been resolved for a high-profile...
(New York, February 10, 2015) – Serious concerns about workers’ rights have not been resolved for a high-profile project in Abu Dhabi that will host branches...
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