Israeli Water Saving Technology

Von Simon Morgan in Wissenschaft & Technik 1833 Aufrufe 10th Oktober 2016 Video Dauer: 00:08:33
Surrounded by and populated with deserts, Israel has famously created a green, agricultural oasis out of its arid landscape. This was made possible by the in...

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Bring on the Learning Revolution! | Ken Robinson | TED Talks

In this poignant, funny follow-up to his fabled 2006 talk, Sir Ken Robinson makes the case for a radical shift from...
In this poignant, funny follow-up to his fabled 2006 talk, Sir Ken Robinson makes the case for a radical shift from standardized schools to personalized lear...

Rural Development in India

This Lecture talks about Rural Development in India

Wikileaks Proves DNC Conspired Against Bernie Sanders!

Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks breaks down the Wikileaks DNC email leak. The emails appear to prove that the DNC...
Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks breaks down the Wikileaks DNC email leak. The emails appear to prove that the DNC worked against Bernie Sanders. http://www.tyt...

Patagonia: The "dirtbag" way of business

EBS University Innovation Management 2012 by Julia Urbanke Antonia Rojas Eing Christian Häsler Th.

This is a video...

EBS University Innovation Management 2012 by Julia Urbanke Antonia Rojas Eing Christian Häsler Th.

This is a video for educational purposes. It refers to the case study "Patagonia" by Forest Reinhardt, Ramon Casadeus-Masanell, and Hyun Jin Kim, published on October 19, 2010 by the Harvard Business School.


Tackling agricultural productivity also helps mitigate climate change threats

Many solutions to improve agricultural productivity and farmer livelihoods also have positive impacts on climate...
Many solutions to improve agricultural productivity and farmer livelihoods also have positive impacts on climate change adaptation, and they often aren’t cas...

The real facts of the refugee crisis, and what we can do | Melanie Nezer | TEDxMidAtlantic

Melanie Nezer is HIAS’ Vice President, Policy & Advocacy. She directs HIAS’ Washington, DC office and leads HIAS’...
Melanie Nezer is HIAS’ Vice President, Policy & Advocacy. She directs HIAS’ Washington, DC office and leads HIAS’ education and advocacy on immigration, asyl...

Business models for social and community initiatives: Teresa Dyson at TEDxSouthBankWomen - YouTube

Teresa Dyson is one of the country's top tax advisors and is a strong female role model. Teresa shares her insights...
Teresa Dyson is one of the country's top tax advisors and is a strong female role model. Teresa shares her insights on utilising innovative business models f...

Benefits of Chamber Membership for Your Business

There are many advantages of joining your local Chamber of Commerce. Attend this workshop and learn what the...
There are many advantages of joining your local Chamber of Commerce. Attend this workshop and learn what the benefits are for your business including exposur...
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