SPORT AGAINST DRUGS AND SOCIAL PATHOLOGY Sport w Walce z Narkomanią i Patologią Społeczną Start-Sport to projekt przygotowany z pewnym społecznym przesłaniem...
Inequality is a big, big subject. There's racial inequality, gender inequality, and lots and lots of other kinds of...
Inequality is a big, big subject. There's racial inequality, gender inequality, and lots and lots of other kinds of inequality. This is Econ, so we're going ...
Nuhu Ribadu "When you fight corruption, it fights back" at TEDxBerlinSalon "Leading in a complex World"...
Nuhu Ribadu "When you fight corruption, it fights back" at TEDxBerlinSalon "Leading in a complex World" ( Nuhu Ribadu is founding ch...
Some 1.2 million asylum applications were made in Europe in 2015. To put that figure into context, this summer more...
Some 1.2 million asylum applications were made in Europe in 2015. To put that figure into context, this summer more than 300,000 applications were made.That'...
--Wikileaks releases emails sent to the Hillary Clinton campaign, revealing all sorts of coordination between the...
--Wikileaks releases emails sent to the Hillary Clinton campaign, revealing all sorts of coordination between the DNC, Clinton campaign, and corporate media ...
Important, touching 4-min video illustrating the person behind what we see, randomly, on the street. Ronald Davis,...
Important, touching 4-min video illustrating the person behind what we see, randomly, on the street. Ronald Davis, describes his life being homeless, and tea...
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational...
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of...
My version of an inexpensive shelter that a church or other organization can construct and place outdoors on their...
My version of an inexpensive shelter that a church or other organization can construct and place outdoors on their premises to use as a winter time overflow ...
Globalization is a topic of much interest as the world adjusts to changes in leadership in the United States,...
Globalization is a topic of much interest as the world adjusts to changes in leadership in the United States, Brexit, and upcoming elections elsewhere in the...
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