Nuhu Ribadu "When you fight corruption, it fights back" at TEDxBerlinSalon "Leading in a complex World" ( Nuhu Ribadu is founding ch...
The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur shares some stunning facts about the richest and poorest Americans as well as...
The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur shares some stunning facts about the richest and poorest Americans as well as corporate profits. The Largest Online News Show...
Kyle MacDonald details just exactly how he traded up from one red paperclip to a house, in only a year! It's an...
Kyle MacDonald details just exactly how he traded up from one red paperclip to a house, in only a year! It's an unlikely and amazing journey with lots of sur...
Ep. 14: THE FOREIGN AID PARADOX | Rachel Grady& Heidi Ewing CHECK US OUT: Why does the...
Ep. 14: THE FOREIGN AID PARADOX | Rachel Grady& Heidi Ewing CHECK US OUT: Why does the U.S. fund foreign aid? The U.S. spends app...
United Nations - World Humanitarian Day is a time to recognize those who face danger and adversity in order to help...
United Nations - World Humanitarian Day is a time to recognize those who face danger and adversity in order to help others.
2015 Theme: Inspiring the World's Humanity.
Pain and tragedy are universal. In the midst of the rubble of Palestine, photojournalist Eman Mohammed set out to...
Pain and tragedy are universal. In the midst of the rubble of Palestine, photojournalist Eman Mohammed set out to show the pain of Palestine through portrait...
Butterfly Art Project von flying films, 4. 2016: Wir fördern Kreativität und Heilung durch die Kunst. Im April 2016...
Butterfly Art Project von flying films, 4. 2016: Wir fördern Kreativität und Heilung durch die Kunst. Im April 2016 besuchte uns Isa-Lee Jacobson eine Kapstä...
What is our priority when encouraging our kids to get involved in sports? Jorge Lee makes the case that no matter...
What is our priority when encouraging our kids to get involved in sports? Jorge Lee makes the case that no matter which sport, character development with emp...
Global warming is a global issue. How does it affect our environment? Carmen Smith is an 8th grade student at River...
Global warming is a global issue. How does it affect our environment? Carmen Smith is an 8th grade student at River Ridge High School in Pasco County Florida... The Repository of Successful Practices is a roadmap for how to close the economic gender... The Repository of Successful Practices is a roadmap for how to close the economic gender gap. Laura Liswood, from the Council of Wome...
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