Some 1.2 million asylum applications were made in Europe in 2015. To put that figure into context, this summer more than 300,000 applications were made.That'...
THE SENDAI FRAMEWORK: MAKING THE DIFFERENCE FOR POVERTY, HEALTH AND RESILIENCE WHAT IS IT? The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 with it...
Infographics on the distribution of wealth in America, highlighting both the inequality and the difference between...
Infographics on the distribution of wealth in America, highlighting both the inequality and the difference between our perception of inequality and the actua...
By loading kids with high expectations and micromanaging their lives at every turn, parents aren't actually helping....
By loading kids with high expectations and micromanaging their lives at every turn, parents aren't actually helping. At least, that's how Julie Lythcott-Haim...
Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig makes the case that our democracy has become corrupt with money, leading to...
Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig makes the case that our democracy has become corrupt with money, leading to inequality that means only 0.02% of the United States population actually determines who's in power. Lessig says that this fundamental breakdown of the democratic system must be fixed before we will ever be able to address major challenges like climate change, social security, and student debt. This is not the most important problem, it's just the first problem..
Brenda Chapman at TEDxBerkeley 2014: "Rethink. Redefine. Recreate." Brenda Chapman started her career as a story...
Brenda Chapman at TEDxBerkeley 2014: "Rethink. Redefine. Recreate." Brenda Chapman started her career as a story artist at Walt Disney Feature Animation wher...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In this short talk, Andrew...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In this short talk, Andrew Billings shares the idea that using spor...
Robbyn Peters Bennett, LMHC, CMHS is a psychotherapist, educator, and child advocate who specializes in the...
Robbyn Peters Bennett, LMHC, CMHS is a psychotherapist, educator, and child advocate who specializes in the treatment of trauma-related mental health problem...
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