Questions and discussion. This event - New technologies in humanitarian aid - explored new research which discusses three technologies currently being used i...
In times of an emergency or crisis situation, social media offers some of the fastest and most effective tools for...
In times of an emergency or crisis situation, social media offers some of the fastest and most effective tools for getting critical life-saving information to the people. Those affected seek help on social media while many others connect in virtual space to organise relief and take it to the right place. Twitter India’s Public Policy Head Mahima Kaul tells New Delhi blog how these virtual communities are playing a significant role
In a robot lab at TEDGlobal, Raffaello D'Andrea demos his flying quadcopters: robots that think like athletes,...
In a robot lab at TEDGlobal, Raffaello D'Andrea demos his flying quadcopters: robots that think like athletes, solving physical problems with algorithms that help them learn. In a series of nifty demos, D'Andrea show drones that play catch, balance and make decisions together -- and watch out for an I-want-this-now demo of Kinect-controlled quads.
Clouds affect the energy Earth receives, keeps and emits back to space -- it's all a matter of balance. Dr. Bruce...
Clouds affect the energy Earth receives, keeps and emits back to space -- it's all a matter of balance. Dr. Bruce Wielicki is senior scientist for Earth scie...
Real Food Science : Documentary on the Science of Eating (Full Documentary). 2014 2015 Learning and Education are...
Real Food Science : Documentary on the Science of Eating (Full Documentary). 2014 2015 Learning and Education are fundamental and important in today's societ...
David Anderson is the Seymour Benzer Professor of Biology at Caltech and an investigator of the Howard Hughes...
David Anderson is the Seymour Benzer Professor of Biology at Caltech and an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. David received an A.B. at Ha...
Its a story that shine a light on How our efforts can bring a change in the lives of Underprivileged Section. This...
Its a story that shine a light on How our efforts can bring a change in the lives of Underprivileged Section. This 11 min. social video is showing a new pros...
Anita is an editor at Mashable, and founder of The Other Wave, a website that explores film and television from a...
Anita is an editor at Mashable, and founder of The Other Wave, a website that explores film and television from a diverse perspective. She navigates the evol...
How Powerful Is Kenya? Subscribe! Kenya has its fair share of...
How Powerful Is Kenya? Subscribe! Kenya has its fair share of corruption scandals, and many say the nation's l...
Watch what happens when little miracles touch the lives of the most vulnerable people around the world. Witness the...
Watch what happens when little miracles touch the lives of the most vulnerable people around the world. Witness the lifesaving help and hope provided by Catholic Relief Services. Take a look at just how far your heart can reach.
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