Watch what happens when little miracles touch the lives of the most vulnerable people around the world. Witness the lifesaving help and hope provided by Catholic Relief Services. Take a look at just how far your heart can reach.
Sustainable development has been the red line in Kitty van der Heijdens'carreer. After working for the UN, she is...
Sustainable development has been the red line in Kitty van der Heijdens'carreer. After working for the UN, she is now director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ambassador for sustainable development. She will represent the Netherlands in the upcoming Rio plus 20 earth Summit in June 2012. An international conference organised by the UN 20 years after the first UN conference on sustainable development in Rio. At TEDxHaarlem Kitty van der Heijden will take us on a journey through international sustainable development conferences.
Originally from Severna Park, Maryland, Bailey is now studying International Relations at Carleton College. In...
Originally from Severna Park, Maryland, Bailey is now studying International Relations at Carleton College. In addition to studying, she is also one of six e...
Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: Chimamanda Ngozi...
Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie a renowned Nigerian novelist was b...
Quants are the math wizards and computer programmers in the engine room of our global financial system who designed...
Quants are the math wizards and computer programmers in the engine room of our global financial system who designed the financial products that almost crashe...
TO USE OR PRINT this presentation click :
TO USE OR PRINT this presentation click : ============================================================== Poverty: Facts, Causes...
Support CaspianReport through Patreon: BAKU - In the last couple of months,...
Support CaspianReport through Patreon: BAKU - In the last couple of months, the media headlines have been dominated by ...
Paul explores the deep-seated problems with our current food system, and the devastating effects this is having on...
Paul explores the deep-seated problems with our current food system, and the devastating effects this is having on our environment and our health. Paul and t...
View full lesson: While news from Iran...
View full lesson: While news from Iran streams to the world, Clay Shirky shows how Fa...
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