Anita is an editor at Mashable, and founder of The Other Wave, a website that explores film and television from a diverse perspective. She navigates the evol...
From offering fellatio to an undercover cop to sending their junk to men on Grindr, these polticians who were...
From offering fellatio to an undercover cop to sending their junk to men on Grindr, these polticians who were extremely anti-gay rights ended up being caught...
Preparations by companies, emergency responders, government authorities, and the public are critical to reducing...
Preparations by companies, emergency responders, government authorities, and the public are critical to reducing injuries and saving lives during chemical em...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Michael Gavin, associate...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Michael Gavin, associate Professor of human dimensions of natural r...
Jerm (Jeremy Nell) is an award-winning cartoonist, winning his first two major awards at the 2011 Vodacom Journalist...
Jerm (Jeremy Nell) is an award-winning cartoonist, winning his first two major awards at the 2011 Vodacom Journalist Of The Year. The Mail & Guardian accolad...
Alice Ukoko talks about Religion, Spirituality, Conflict and Poverty in Africa. She explains why Religion, unlike...
Alice Ukoko talks about Religion, Spirituality, Conflict and Poverty in Africa. She explains why Religion, unlike Spirituality, is the main cause of conflict...
When a family falls into crisis — and it sometimes happens, thanks to unemployment, drugs, bad relationships and bad...
When a family falls into crisis — and it sometimes happens, thanks to unemployment, drugs, bad relationships and bad luck — the social services system is sup...
The kingdom of Judah is in West Africa. SEE MORE..... Popular Videos...
The kingdom of Judah is in West Africa. SEE MORE..... Popular Videos .................................................................................... The...
Suzanne Eder talks about self improvement at a 2015 TEDX event in Wilmington, Delaware. Suzanne Eder is a...
Suzanne Eder talks about self improvement at a 2015 TEDX event in Wilmington, Delaware. Suzanne Eder is a world-class teacher, facilitator and mentor. She fo...
Welcome to Top10Archive! Global warming has been in the news for years with experts debating back and forth on what...
Welcome to Top10Archive! Global warming has been in the news for years with experts debating back and forth on what possibly could occur if nothing is done t...
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