Hinduism in a nutshell A Must Watch

Von Nora Brown in Religion & Spiritualität 1828 Aufrufe 15th Januar 2017 Video Dauer: 00:17:11
How many of you Hindus(so called Hindus) have this much basic knowledge as this girl has. If not, don't worry, Just watch this video over and over again unti...

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Rethinking community development: Diana Schmitt at TEDxUNCAsheville

The garden is host to 70 families, over 100 fruit and nut trees, a medical and native species plant trail, and 45...
The garden is host to 70 families, over 100 fruit and nut trees, a medical and native species plant trail, and 45 mushroom logs. Through its volunteers, the ...

Michael Gove MP - What is Education For?

Michael Gove MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families outlines the principles that should...
Michael Gove MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families outlines the principles that should inform education reform in the 21st Century.

Local organization helps parts of Haiti devastated by Hurricane Matthew

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At First Glance | Kurt Hoffman | TEDxVirginiaTech

Kurt was born with a condition called phocomelia, which refers to the absence or malformation of one or more limbs....
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4th Dimension Explained By A High-School Student

There are many theories out there. This is one of those theories. Inspired by Flatlands.

Refugees in Europe: a crisis of connection | Dace Dzenovska | TEDxRiga

In the age of mobility, more people are on the move than ever before. Yet many of those who are on the move — the...
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Myths and Facts of Homelessness

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The slut, the spinster and the perfect woman: Martha Mosse at TEDxCoventGardenWomen

In this talk, Martha Mosse an award-winning performance and visual artist brought up in England and France, talks...
In this talk, Martha Mosse an award-winning performance and visual artist brought up in England and France, talks about her work and the labels of Slut, Spin...
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