The Japanese government wants more women in management positions, but tradition and a working culture of long hours...
The Japanese government wants more women in management positions, but tradition and a working culture of long hours and long commutes makes it very difficult...
Most Hebrew Israelites preachers are using scriptures to state where the lost tribes are today. There has been a...
Most Hebrew Israelites preachers are using scriptures to state where the lost tribes are today. There has been a breakdown of the tribes by many preachers bu...
Throughout history, human beings, especially the global poor, have been in constant movement. Huerta says we should...
Throughout history, human beings, especially the global poor, have been in constant movement. Huerta says we should view this migration as a universal human ...
China's rapid urbanization has resulted in over 260 million migrantworkers as of 2012, many of whom have to leave...
China's rapid urbanization has resulted in over 260 million migrantworkers as of 2012, many of whom have to leave their home to work faraway. As a result, th...
Seeking change, Charles applies a variety of concepts and lenses to inform on-ground action. He is confident that...
Seeking change, Charles applies a variety of concepts and lenses to inform on-ground action. He is confident that there must be a better way for extractive i...
Can the way you speak and write today predict your future mental state, even the onset of psychosis? In this...
Can the way you speak and write today predict your future mental state, even the onset of psychosis? In this fascinating talk, neuroscientist Mariano Sigman ...
Why is becoming Rights-Literate so important? Nick discusses the unique and vital role that Human Rights play in all...
Why is becoming Rights-Literate so important? Nick discusses the unique and vital role that Human Rights play in all our lives. Nick’s academic interests lie...
Andy was recently awarded an MBE for his charity work, yet he has some unusual and controversial views on Corporate...
Andy was recently awarded an MBE for his charity work, yet he has some unusual and controversial views on Corporate Social Responsibility The Sponsors: Freed...
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