Throughout history, human beings, especially the global poor, have been in constant movement. Huerta says we should view this migration as a universal human ...
Watch the next episode about San Francisco becoming a zero waste city:...
Watch the next episode about San Francisco becoming a zero waste city: As urban pop...
Over two-thirds of Indians live in rural villages. For those 740 million people, earning less than 2 dollars a day,...
Over two-thirds of Indians live in rural villages. For those 740 million people, earning less than 2 dollars a day, access to healthcare remains an issue. No...
Stella Young is a comedian and journalist who happens to go about her day in a wheelchair — a fact that doesn't,...
Stella Young is a comedian and journalist who happens to go about her day in a wheelchair — a fact that doesn't, she'd like to make clear, automatically turn...
Subscribe to our channel Thousands of Latin Americans die each year from the disease of...
Subscribe to our channel Thousands of Latin Americans die each year from the disease of the poor... "mal de chagas". Mal de chagas ...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. How important is your...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. How important is your education to you? Have you ever thought about...
Luis Capelo discusses the important role of the Digital Humanitarian Network as a interface between the volunteer...
Luis Capelo discusses the important role of the Digital Humanitarian Network as a interface between the volunteer technical communities and the traditional humanitarian response organizations, highlighting the collaboration framework for how to work with the V&TC community
In this insightful talk, Nat explains why we shouldn't call out hypocrites, and what to do instead. Too often, Nat...
In this insightful talk, Nat explains why we shouldn't call out hypocrites, and what to do instead. Too often, Nat says, we use the hypocrisy of others as an...
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