Former senator (D-CO) and presidential candidate Gary Hart co-chaired The U.S. Commission on National Security for the 21st Century, a body that before 9/11 ... Behavioral economist Dan Ariely, the author of Predictably Irrational, uses classic visual... Behavioral economist Dan Ariely, the author of Predictably Irrational, uses classic visual illusions and his own counterintuitive (and som... United for Human Rights (UHR) is an international, not-for-profit organization dedicated... United for Human Rights (UHR) is an international, not-for-profit organization dedicated to implementing the Universal Declaration...
Tanmay Dhall explores his experience living in 4 very different cultures to draw the portrait of the global citizen....
Tanmay Dhall explores his experience living in 4 very different cultures to draw the portrait of the global citizen. By using a metaphor about food, Tanmay e...
Sheryl WuDunn's book "Half the Sky" investigates the oppression of women globally. Her stories shock. Only when...
Sheryl WuDunn's book "Half the Sky" investigates the oppression of women globally. Her stories shock. Only when women in developing countries have equal acce...
More films about Afghanistan: “First tell us what you did in Afghanistan all...
More films about Afghanistan: “First tell us what you did in Afghanistan all those years. Then we'll decide whether or n...
Visit Korea, Peru, Germany and France pavilions at COP21 and watch a presentation of the NAMAs. The UNFCCC...
Visit Korea, Peru, Germany and France pavilions at COP21 and watch a presentation of the NAMAs. The UNFCCC secretariat and the Climate Technology Centre and ...
Lawrence Lessig on "Political leadership in times of digital populism" at TEDxBerlinSalon "Leading in the Digital...
Lawrence Lessig on "Political leadership in times of digital populism" at TEDxBerlinSalon "Leading in the Digital Age". More information on our website: http...
If you or someone you know has a heroin addiction problem than be sure to check out "Heroin:...
If you or someone you know has a heroin addiction problem than be sure to check out "Heroin: The Hardest Hit" covers heroin addiction ...
Ger Duany woke up one morning to gunshots that eventually led to his becoming one of the “Lost Boys of Sudan”, a...
Ger Duany woke up one morning to gunshots that eventually led to his becoming one of the “Lost Boys of Sudan”, a child soldier, refugee, then US high school ...
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