Global Oppression of Women - Sheryl Wu Dunn - TED Talks
Plicatus EN
in Frauen
1757 Aufrufe
13th Oktober 2016
Video Dauer: 00:15:01
Sheryl WuDunn's book "Half the Sky" investigates the oppression of women globally. Her stories shock. Only when women in developing countries have equal acce...
How should we understand migration? What are the voices and needs of those who take the courage and struggle in a...
How should we understand migration? What are the voices and needs of those who take the courage and struggle in a new country? Pay close attention to the wor...
MBL is calling our friends to support "Free Lunch for Children" to provide basic daily lunch meal for those school...
MBL is calling our friends to support "Free Lunch for Children" to provide basic daily lunch meal for those school children in the poor countryside in China!...
Julien argues how we see the World through cultural glasses. By changing the glasses you can change the way you...
Julien argues how we see the World through cultural glasses. By changing the glasses you can change the way you interpret the World. Julien is the founder of...
SPORT AGAINST DRUGS AND SOCIAL PATHOLOGY Sport w Walce z Narkomanią i Patologią Społeczną Start-Sport to projekt...
SPORT AGAINST DRUGS AND SOCIAL PATHOLOGY Sport w Walce z Narkomanią i Patologią Społeczną Start-Sport to projekt przygotowany z pewnym społecznym przesłaniem...
Kathy Bardswick, President and CEO, The Co-operators (Canada), shares how both she and her organization benefit from...
Kathy Bardswick, President and CEO, The Co-operators (Canada), shares how both she and her organization benefit from but also give back to ICMIF through thei...
What ever happened to letting "boys be boys?" Take these two cases: In one, a seven-year-old boy was sent home for...
What ever happened to letting "boys be boys?" Take these two cases: In one, a seven-year-old boy was sent home for nibbling a Pop Tart into a gun. In another, a teacher was so alarmed by a picture drawn by a student (of a sword fight), that the boy's parents were summoned in for a conference. In short, boys in America's schools are routinely punished for being active, competitive, and restless. In other words, boys can no longer be boys. Christina Hoff Sommers, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, explains how we can change this. ---RINGLING BROS. CIRCUS ARE THE LARGEST CRUELTY CRIMINALS IN U.S. HISTORY FINED... ---RINGLING BROS. CIRCUS ARE THE LARGEST CRUELTY CRIMINALS IN U.S. HISTORY FINED $270,000 FOR 27 FEDERAL AWA VIOLATIONS UNDER GOV...
Phil Borges, filmmaker and photographer, has been documenting indigenous and tribal cultures for over 25 years. His...
Phil Borges, filmmaker and photographer, has been documenting indigenous and tribal cultures for over 25 years. His work is exhibited in museums and gallerie...
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