Christian asks what is veganism and is it the right way to live and eat. Christian Hextrum is a little over average height so some peo...
The first Syrian refugees has arrived in Azraq in Jordan, a a new refugee camp with the capacity to host up to...
The first Syrian refugees has arrived in Azraq in Jordan, a a new refugee camp with the capacity to host up to 130,000 refugees from the war in Syria. NRC ha...
Joris Luyendijk is a journalist and a publicist with a banker’s blog on The Guardian. For this episode of VPRO...
Joris Luyendijk is a journalist and a publicist with a banker’s blog on The Guardian. For this episode of VPRO backlight, he dives into the financial brain o...
Over 100,000 Chinese millionaires have moved to Vancouver, sparking everything from a reality show to a property...
Over 100,000 Chinese millionaires have moved to Vancouver, sparking everything from a reality show to a property boom making housing unaffordable. Dateline a...
Top 10 celebrities and famous people who came out as gay and lesbian to the public on tv and in magazines. Subscribe...
Top 10 celebrities and famous people who came out as gay and lesbian to the public on tv and in magazines. Subscribe to our channel: For...
Meltdown is a four-part investigation into a world of greed and recklessness that brought down the financial world....
Meltdown is a four-part investigation into a world of greed and recklessness that brought down the financial world. The show begins with the 2008 crash that ...
Poverty and inequity affects children in unimaginable ways. We, the privileged, continue to think of it as a problem...
Poverty and inequity affects children in unimaginable ways. We, the privileged, continue to think of it as a problem unrelated to us. Nandita Das argues, tha...
What is NGO? What does NGO mean? NGO meaning - NGO pronunciation - NGO definition - NGO explanation How to pronounce...
What is NGO? What does NGO mean? NGO meaning - NGO pronunciation - NGO definition - NGO explanation How to pronounce NGO? Source: article, adap...
How much land mass would renewables need to power a nation like the UK? An entire country's worth. In this pragmatic...
How much land mass would renewables need to power a nation like the UK? An entire country's worth. In this pragmatic talk, David MacKay tours the basic mathe...
Beginning with a provocation from Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard) this session of the April 7-9, 2011conference "Science...
Beginning with a provocation from Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard) this session of the April 7-9, 2011conference "Science and Technology Studies: The Next Twenty,"d...
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