Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: Throughout his three-decade career here at the University of Waterloo, Larry Smith ha...
Hatten Sie jemals das Gefühl, dass sie zwar reden, aber niemand Ihnen zuhört? Julian Treasure schafft Abhilfe. In...
Hatten Sie jemals das Gefühl, dass sie zwar reden, aber niemand Ihnen zuhört? Julian Treasure schafft Abhilfe. In diesem nützlichen Vortrag zeigt der Klangex...
Many people know how to make more money, but few know how to make money more. While sharing his personal quest with...
Many people know how to make more money, but few know how to make money more. While sharing his personal quest with money, Gino invites you to sync your valu...
James D. Long explores how to reduce corruption and improve government performance by using technology to empower...
James D. Long explores how to reduce corruption and improve government performance by using technology to empower citizens. Violence, intimidation, and vote ...
Home away from home: The tragic story of the Jordan/Syria border crisis. Subscribe to Journeyman for more:...
Home away from home: The tragic story of the Jordan/Syria border crisis. Subscribe to Journeyman for more: For down...
Until a year ago, people in the village of Ekipe on North Efate Island in Vanuatu did not have access to running...
Until a year ago, people in the village of Ekipe on North Efate Island in Vanuatu did not have access to running water. Villagers such as Marie, a mother of ...
From the "How Business Models, Capital Markets, and Ecosystems Help Scale Social Change" CASE event on October 22,...
From the "How Business Models, Capital Markets, and Ecosystems Help Scale Social Change" CASE event on October 22, 2010. Matt Nash, Cathy Clark, J. Gregory D...
As an expert in adolescent sexual and reproductive health, Dr. V. Chandra – Mouli, explains that sexuality education...
As an expert in adolescent sexual and reproductive health, Dr. V. Chandra – Mouli, explains that sexuality education is not just teaching about sex, reproduc...
Michael Huemer focuses on the scope and nature of what we know, morality and truth. He is an expert at structuring...
Michael Huemer focuses on the scope and nature of what we know, morality and truth. He is an expert at structuring logical arguments the premises of which ar...
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