This documentary tells the story of three ethnic groups which, though they inhabit the same territory, have...
This documentary tells the story of three ethnic groups which, though they inhabit the same territory, have different cultures and traditions. But with one c...
(Sous-titres en français disponible) Mohamed Hage, an agriculture and technology enthusiast, is the founding...
(Sous-titres en français disponible) Mohamed Hage, an agriculture and technology enthusiast, is the founding president of Lufa Farms, a company that designs,...
Damien Declercq on "Why we are entering a mobility revolution" at TEDxHamburgSalon (
Damien Declercq on "Why we are entering a mobility revolution" at TEDxHamburgSalon ( Damien has a background in mechanical and prod...
The dilemma that politicians face is that they find it hard to be themselves under the gaze of the press and public....
The dilemma that politicians face is that they find it hard to be themselves under the gaze of the press and public. Journalist and broadcaster Steve Richard...
Jane Oseid Carlson is one of the founding organizers of TEDxConejo and is currently the School to Career Coordinator...
Jane Oseid Carlson is one of the founding organizers of TEDxConejo and is currently the School to Career Coordinator at Thousand Oaks High School. She facili...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Avoid tipsy tweeting and...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Avoid tipsy tweeting and tanked tweeting, and ideally... 'don't dri...
Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx...
Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized ev...
As the International Economic Forum kicks off in St. Petersburg, RT’s Peter Lаvelle is ready to delve into the...
As the International Economic Forum kicks off in St. Petersburg, RT’s Peter Lаvelle is ready to delve into the world’s most acute agenda. The massive influx ...