Damien Declercq on "Why we are entering a mobility revolution" at TEDxHamburgSalon (http://www.tedxhamburg.de) Damien has a background in mechanical and prod...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Through her own story,...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Through her own story, social activist Megan Shinnick points out th...
Civil and political rights have a long tradition, but we are still on our way to realizing them for all members of...
Civil and political rights have a long tradition, but we are still on our way to realizing them for all members of society. In this lesson we will talk a lit...
The Dawn of Religion : Documentary on the First Beliefs of Ancient Peoples (Full Documentary). This Documentary is...
The Dawn of Religion : Documentary on the First Beliefs of Ancient Peoples (Full Documentary). This Documentary is very good and as educational as it is fun....
A former reporter, she covered the fall of the Taliban for NPR, then left journalism to remain in Kandahar in order...
A former reporter, she covered the fall of the Taliban for NPR, then left journalism to remain in Kandahar in order to contribute to the reconstruction of th...
Seventy percent of the world’s uncultivated arable land is in Africa. And that land is seen as a possible solution...
Seventy percent of the world’s uncultivated arable land is in Africa. And that land is seen as a possible solution to feed the globe’s growing population. Bu...
English/Nat The international peacekeeping force expected to move into Kosovo after a peace agreement is finalised...
English/Nat The international peacekeeping force expected to move into Kosovo after a peace agreement is finalised will be similar to the operation sent into...
To support and learn more about Ezra, follow him on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/teamezra05 Subscribe!...
To support and learn more about Ezra, follow him on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/teamezra05 Subscribe! http://skr.cm/SubscribeToStories What It's Reall...
Like if you like it, sub if you speak anything close to spanish. Bueno chicos, creo que llego un poco tarde pero aun...
Like if you like it, sub if you speak anything close to spanish. Bueno chicos, creo que llego un poco tarde pero aun así, lo he lanzado porque no hay en YouT...
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