After the Asian Financial Crisis in the late 1990s, deeply-rooted problems of corruption were highlighted in countries like Thailand, South Korea and Indones...
Having great volunteers makes running an organization much easier. But how do you get people to give you their time...
Having great volunteers makes running an organization much easier. But how do you get people to give you their time for free? And then how do you keep them m...
Often called "The New Einstein," Olympia LePoint is best known for her role as an award-winning rocket scientist,...
Often called "The New Einstein," Olympia LePoint is best known for her role as an award-winning rocket scientist, science entertainer and educator driving to...
Poverty exists. That it exists, that it persists, in the 21st century is an obscenity. We want to end this poverty....
Poverty exists. That it exists, that it persists, in the 21st century is an obscenity. We want to end this poverty. We want to make poverty history. But we h...
The use of cash in humanitarian response has many benefits: it maintains dignity and provides affected people with...
The use of cash in humanitarian response has many benefits: it maintains dignity and provides affected people with the ability to prioritise their own needs; it stimulates local economies; it gets assistance to people rapidly; and it reduces the overheads involved in delivering relief items. ---RINGLING BROS. CIRCUS ARE THE LARGEST CRUELTY CRIMINALS IN U.S. HISTORY FINED... ---RINGLING BROS. CIRCUS ARE THE LARGEST CRUELTY CRIMINALS IN U.S. HISTORY FINED $270,000 FOR 27 FEDERAL AWA VIOLATIONS UNDER GOV...
"Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they're finished." Dan Gilbert shares recent research on a...
"Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they're finished." Dan Gilbert shares recent research on a phenomenon he calls the "end of history ...
The Clinton corruption is now being covered by MSM. The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Bloomberg , and...
The Clinton corruption is now being covered by MSM. The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Bloomberg , and Washington Post. The tide has turned. Wik...
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