For the last 50 years or more, the debate has raged over the role of animals in human society, with particular reference to the ways in which we use tFor the last 50 years or more, the debate has raged over the role of animals in human society, with particular reference to the ways in which we use them for our benefit. There are fundamental differences between the Animal Welfare viewpoint and the Animal Rights philosophy. Fueling the debate still further has been the emergence, particularly in the last three decades, of a small, but vociferous group of adherents to the philosophy of animal rights, which views humans and animals as essentially equal and condemns any and all use of animals for human benefit. Mehr...
Researchers at The Ohio State presented their fascinating research on the scope, purpose and key findings of the...
Researchers at The Ohio State presented their fascinating research on the scope, purpose and key findings of the issue. ASEE TV interviewed the Lead Presente...
Phil Borges, filmmaker and photographer, has been documenting indigenous and tribal cultures for over 25 years. His...
Phil Borges, filmmaker and photographer, has been documenting indigenous and tribal cultures for over 25 years. His work is exhibited in museums and gallerie...
Shot by: Natasha Kyssa Let Food be thy Medicine Natasha Kyssa is the author of The SimplyRaw...
Shot by: Natasha Kyssa Let Food be thy Medicine Natasha Kyssa is the author of The SimplyRaw Living Foods Detox Manual as well as the ...
As countries across Sub-Saharan Africa grapple with the challenges of sustaining high levels of economic growth,...
As countries across Sub-Saharan Africa grapple with the challenges of sustaining high levels of economic growth, plunging commodity prices, and the effects o...
Lawrence Lessig on "Political leadership in times of digital populism" at TEDxBerlinSalon "Leading in the Digital...
Lawrence Lessig on "Political leadership in times of digital populism" at TEDxBerlinSalon "Leading in the Digital Age". More information on our website: http...
Robert J.S. "Bob" Ross is Research Professor of Sociology and the Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise in...
Robert J.S. "Bob" Ross is Research Professor of Sociology and the Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise in Clark University. The son of a teacher and a garment worker and the grandson of garment workers, Ross has cared deeply about workers and their conditions and has been learning and teaching about these matters since 1994. He is Vice-President of the Sweatfree Purchasing consortium, an organization of nineteen cities and states which are working to remove sweatshop labor from the supply chains of their public purchasing of uniforms. The author of Slaves to Fashion: Poverty and Abuse in the New Sweatshops, Ross has written extensively on the global apparel industry and labor conditions and workers’ rights in it. His writings on these and other issues have appeared in variety of professional and journalistic sources.
A documentary concerning the problems in the environment we are facing today. If gone untreated, these problems will...
A documentary concerning the problems in the environment we are facing today. If gone untreated, these problems will destroy the very home we live in, and th...
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