A whistleblower at data analytics company Cambridge Analytica says the UK firm received more than 50 million Facebook user profiles without user consent and the data was later used for political gain. CNET's Ian Sherr explains.
If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible...
If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: southfront@lis...
View the full event: http://www.cato.org/events/designer-drugs-new-futile-front-war-illegal-drugs News organizations...
View the full event: http://www.cato.org/events/designer-drugs-new-futile-front-war-illegal-drugs News organizations have recently documented the proliferati...
On March 7, 2016, the IOP hosted a conversation with transgender rights activist Mara Keisling. As Executive...
On March 7, 2016, the IOP hosted a conversation with transgender rights activist Mara Keisling. As Executive Director of National Center for Transgender Equa...
Der renommierte Klimaforscher James Hansen berichtet, wie er in die Wissenschaft zum und die Debatte über den...
Der renommierte Klimaforscher James Hansen berichtet, wie er in die Wissenschaft zum und die Debatte über den Klimawandel involviert wurde. Er erklärt dabei ...
What if we could allocate our resources in a more effective way? What if we could learn from the for-profit stock...
What if we could allocate our resources in a more effective way? What if we could learn from the for-profit stock market, which stretches over the entire pla...
Noam Chomsky shared remarks on the pitfalls of humanitarian intervention with the Williams College community. A...
Noam Chomsky shared remarks on the pitfalls of humanitarian intervention with the Williams College community. A prominent American public intellectual and activist, Chomsky has written and lectured extensively on linguistics, philosophy, intellectual history, international affairs, and foreign policy.
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/why-do-americans-and-canadians-celebrate-labor-day-kenneth-c-davis In...
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/why-do-americans-and-canadians-celebrate-labor-day-kenneth-c-davis In the United States and Canada, the first Mon...
How to reprogram your mind for more positive thinking. Get this episode's mp3/transcript:...
How to reprogram your mind for more positive thinking. Get this episode's mp3/transcript: http://tmblr.co/ZTb1Dv1Kd3jTo Get my new book free: http://www.TheC...
This is a short film by MAYA Design created to put some perspective on one of the most powerful yet under...
This is a short film by MAYA Design created to put some perspective on one of the most powerful yet under appreciated design patterns for large scale resilie...